That's right, I've almost
finished the next release, it would have been finished by now but we've
had some very hot days that the air conditioner just isn't coping with.
So this has slowed progress greatly.
This new version is a major update, infact it's almost a new program
all together. As I said in my previous news entry (Below this entry)
netmonitor will be a service based server. Although this release will
still have the ability to be used as the previous netmonitor i.e. as a
simple console program, it will be released along with a client program
called nettc. Once netmonitor is setup on a server, nettc can be used
to display bandwidth usage information of that server remotely.
Orignally I wanted to do telnet connectivity, however I believe this
would have over complicated the process, so nettc was a much better
option. The protocol used between nettc and netmonitor also make it
easy to create a GUI based client later on.
The features of this up coming version are :
- Automated data resetting (fully implemented, and about time)
- Configuration menu for automated data resetting setup
- Network device disable detection (fully implemented)
- UDP based remote network connectivity (fully implemented)
- UDP port selection (not implemented as yet)
- Error file logging (Fully implemented)
- Autogeneration of configuration files if not found (must be run as root) (Fully implemented)
The nettc client is all but finished, only thing it is lacking is port selection.